Nurses for a Healthier Tomorrow (NHT) would not be able to grow and flourish without the support of individual, corporate and organizational donors. These individuals and groups have donated their time and dollars to promote NHT to their employees and people in their communities.
Their dollars support the nursing recruitment communications campaign on many levels. Tools, such as this Web site, enable health care professionals to download print advertisements for use in their publications; to find out what others are doing to address the nursing shortage; and to find out how they can get involved.
Eventually, the site will include bulleted information in the form of tips and news for drafting speeches to community groups and internal audiences. Guidance counselors will be able to access a special section of the site to get the most up-to-date facts about career opportunities available to nursing graduates - and more.
By working together, we are letting young people know that many rewards await those who seek a career in nursing. After all, it's one of the most well-regarded professional careers as referenced by a 1999 Harris poll commissioned by Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, and NurseWeek Publishing, Inc. This poll demonstrated that:
- An overwhelming majority of the public (92 percent) trust information about health care provided by registered nurses, ranking nurses evenly with physicians;
- The public (76 percent) thinks nurses should have four years of post-secondary education to perform their jobs; and
- Parents (85 percent) would be pleased if their son or daughter became a registered nurse.
Even though nursing has a good reputation, many more RNs are needed to meet the growing demand for healthcare in the U.S. Even with six years of steady increases in baccalaureate nursing program enrollments from 2001-2006, our nation is still facing a serious shortage of nurses through the year 2020.
Nurses for a Healthier Tomorrow is committed to providing information to consumers, the media and potential students about the escalating demand for RNs. People who pursue nursing careers these days acquire the expertise necessary to enjoy expanding career opportunities in an array of practice venues.
Sponsorships support the communications and advertising efforts of Nurses for a Healthier Tomorrow. In 2002, NHT launched a fundraising drive to help underwrite a national advertising campaign designed to recruit nurses. TV commercials were created to appeal to teenagers in media markets where the nursing shortage is most severe. Coalition members also led the effort to air commercials in their local markets and show the spots along with other communications to association members.
Sponsor Benefits
- Opportunity to reach a target audience - The 43-member NHT coalition includes an audience of 2.9 million nurses who will learn about this educational initiative through their membership organizations.
- Company logo on TV commercials - A high visibility opportunity for a donor giving substantial dollars to the campaign will include donor's company logo on the NHT TV commercials. Depending on your interests and the amount of your contribution, you will have the opportunity to work with the advisory council and ad agency to help with commercial production and determine the media buy.
- Banner advertising - Sponsor company logos and messages will be displayed on this Web site. E-mail for more information about banner ads.
- Media relations - The communications campaign includes story pitches to local, regional and national health care reporters. Donors are recognized based on the contribution size and geographical preferences.
- Web site - All sponsors are recognized on the Web site. We invite all sponsors to provide a link to their company's Web site.
Why should I give?
Can you imagine a health care system in our society without nurses? Despite the nearly 2.9 million registered nurses in the United States, a shortage exists for nurses with needed specialties, skills and experience. Highly skilled nurses are in particular demand in operating, recovery and emergency rooms and in pediatric care.
Hospital recruitment efforts to reverse the shortage include generous sign-on bonuses, salary increases and tuition reimbursement plans. But even the most attractive incentive packages won't reverse the nursing shortage.
What will my money support?
When you give to Nurses for a Healthier Tomorrow, you're supporting an educational campaign targeted to youth and the recruitment of new nurse educators. We has kicked off a fundraising drive and search for sponsors to help underwrite a national advertising campaign designed to recruit new nurse educators to the profession. The message of the campaign is simple - nursing education provides students with highly versatile skills such as critical thinking, customer service, decision-making skills and science and technology expertise that can lead to an exciting and fulfilling career. Bottomline, your dollars pay for local, regional and national PR and advertising targeted to youth.
How do I give?
Checks from individuals, institutions, organizations and companies should be made payable to Nurses for a Healthier Tomorrow/STTI and sent to:
Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International
550 West North Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Pledge electronically
You can contribute by simply sending an e-mail message to Kathy Bennison at Please include your name, title, company and address along with the amount you'd like to pledge and we will send you an invoice confirmation.